If you’re looking for ways to make your hardwood floors even more beautiful, then you might be at a loss for what to do.
If you’re looking for ways to make your hardwood floors even more beautiful, then you might be at a loss for what to do. No matter what type of hardwood flooring you have, it’s all meant to be as durable as possible. Even so, there are still ways to improve your floors. Here’s how.
Renew The Floors
Spring cleaning benefits your entire house. So as you go room by room, removing the clutter and getting rid of the junk, you might not think it’s worth it to take your shoes off as you go. But all this activity can take its toll on your hardwood floors. That’s why you need to renew them. The way to do this is by refinishing them. Refinishing can restore the shine it used to have and add some more protection that it didn’t have before. Recoating is another option for you if you can’t afford to refinish your floors. It’s easier, much safer, and much quicker.
Double Check Humidity
Spring and summer bring with them higher humidity levels. You might find that you wake up sweaty in the morning, even if you don’t nest under the blankets. That’s because of all the humidity in your house. You’ll have to double check the humidity levels in your home and reset them to make your living space much more comfortable. Moisture in the air can cause the hardwood floors to buckle or crack, or start to cup and warp. For best results, the temperature inside your house should be somewhere between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Then, the humidity should be somewhere between 30 and 50%. You’ll have to use a humidifier or dehumidifier as needed, and sometimes moisture barriers will be necessary as well.
Add Accent Rugs
One last suggestion is to soften your hardwood floors. Doing this involves adding more decorations to your home. One idea is to put accent rugs down on your floors. Wall to wall carpeting might seem like a good idea, but accent rugs can do more to highlight the decor of the room and emphasize the looks of the hardwood floors in your house. Rug pads can help keep the rug in place and also protect them against furniture damage.
Ready for a Beautiful Hardwood Floor? Trust John K Eareckson & Co.
When you work with John K Eareckson & Co., Flooring, we will ensure your hardwood floors undergo a stress-free acclimation process and that they sparkle for years to come; from a seamless and beautiful installation to years of maintenance, John K Eareckson & Co. Flooring has the expertise to care for your home’s hardwood floors. For a consultation and more information visit us online or give us a call at 410-788-4200. You can also look for us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Flickr.