You’ll need to do what you can to protect yourself against sun damage. The same goes for your hardwood floors.
Summer’s almost here, even if you feel like it already has. Now that it’s June, the sun will only continue to get stronger. Think about how hot it can get in July and August. You’ll need to do what you can to protect yourself against sun damage. The same goes for your hardwood floors. Let’s find out how.
Causes of Damage
Let’s start by looking at some of the different causes of sun damage. How does the sunlight come into the room where your hardwood floors are? That’s the question at the heart of the matter. Ultraviolet light from the sun degrades the quality of your wood over time. The floors will fade and lose their beautiful shine. Furniture is also affected, as it will start to show signs of bleaching and corrosion. You might notice the same effects on your home’s hardwood floors. Other common causes include the heat inside the room, the temperature inside your home, and the humidity levels. Unfortunately, artificial light is just as damaging to your hardwood floors as natural light. Luckily, there are multiple ways to protect your floors.
Ways to Protect Your Floors
One way to protect your floors is to replace your windows. Find more energy-efficient ones from a trusted dealer. Choose panes that have laminated film or ones that feature Low-E coated glass. These prevent excess light from entering your home. However, choosing stronger windows may also lead to costs that are unacceptable to you, or you can’t find space for it in your budget. Alternatively, you could consider using window film. This option protects your windows and prevents heat loss, which is great in winter but less desirable in the summertime. It all comes down to what you want to do. Lastly, take advantage of window coverings and dressing that you already have, such as curtains and blinds.
Protecting Other Items
The effects of long-term sun damage differ depending on what type of hardwood floors you have. Some examples of wood will start to lighten, while others will go dark. This can disrupt the effect of the aesthetic you want for individual rooms. Varnish, lacquer, and shellac can help protect your floors as well. Works of art, carpets, rugs, and pieces of furniture can also be protected this way.
Ready for a Beautiful Hardwood Floor? Trust John K Eareckson & Co.
When you work with John K Eareckson & Co., Flooring, we will ensure your hardwood floors undergo a stress-free acclimation process and that they sparkle for years to come; from a seamless and beautiful installation to years of maintenance, John K Eareckson & Co. Flooring has the expertise to care for your home’s hardwood floors. For a consultation and more information, visit us online or give us a call at 410-788-4200. You can also look for us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Flickr.